Monday, May 26, 2008

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

It's tough that we can't be with family today. But Christmas is looking good and we hope that you can all be aware that everybody, and I mean everybody, is going to be here starting around the 21st with Jess and crew, to the 24th with Garet and Jess, and everybody else's kids and cousins are coming. We have several motel rooms, replete with 24-hour indoor swimming pool, which have been reserved and are located halfway between Uncle J. Dee and Aunt Janet's house and Memom and Dedad's.

Health Log

Monday, September 17, 2007

- Went to Hailey for the Dr. Hermann appointment. Great visit, everybody on top of their game! Had a lovely time, memom zooming around shopping with Monte without discomfort (or drugs)
- Acupuncture, consult
- began new medication (Dr. Singh)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Complaints of “bad feelings” all day and anxiety attack at 7:30 p.m.
- Monte asked him about the effects of one day’s medication, and was met with an obscene response. Comments that Dr. Singh’s prescription is, in effect, just one of the “1 percent that might work, no hope of actually working.” “No one can help, don’t call anybody, but this is a very, very bad day.”
- Anxiety attack around 8:00 p.m., depression comments.
- We suggested that this only happened after the acupuncture treatment, was adamant that had nothing to do with it, but it’s the only thing different that has occurred, that we can figure out.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gem State Spraying, Dave Ward sprayed foundation

Ron of Ron’s Heating, investigated lack of air, possible leak of Freon, coming back Fri 9-21

-Coming back Monday, as the compressor has improper vacuum, thus the new line between compressor and a/c doesn’t need to be done. Did find leak in line at the compressor.

Everton Mattress, replaced Jim’s bed mechanism,
Will bring new handbook for the mattress --
Showed up ten mins later with the booklet.
(All these guys showed up AT THE SAME TIME.)

Dr. Singh phone call to announce dedad’s reaction to the new medication.

Friday, September 21, 2007
Dedad announced his misery, and it’s due, apparently, to the new medication, the Ritalin (the “1% chance of it working” announced again.
n Jury still out now on whether we’ll make it to Judson’s sealing. Much talk about how we’ll get back, taking two cars “in case we need to leave right away,” etc. In essence, more conversation about how to get back and how soon, rather than the joy of Judson’s retirement.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Jim told Bobbie that this new medication is not working and he wants off of it completely. He said he wakes up sweating and his “eye hurts.” Bobbie then quietly told him, “Monte, Michael and I saw a new man last week. Is that what you want to give up?” She was basically told, “I feel like shit. I can’t do it anymore.” And then the tirade of ailments that no one on this earth can understand, and the pain of reaction to any medicine (the 1 percent factor) that is uniquely excruciating and debilitating, and this is just another.
We almost wish we hadn’t seen the other side last week, of Jim being Dedad, offering thoughts on the news, how it relates to the Constitution, etc. He was spry and energized in the morning, but now reduced to the grimacing, shuffling hulk we sometimes see presently, totally immersed in daily rituals of feeding and bedding and doctors’ appointments, and taking no comfort in any of such activities, and experiencing only the stressful preparations for each (i.e., preparing for a 1:00 p.m. simple doctor’s appointment -- a consult -- starting at 8:00 a.m.)
The thought of Judson’s wedding brings a look of panic, sadly. Last week, we were talking about how we were going to be staying next door to the Bakers and the enjoyment that would bring.
Monte and I pray for the strength and leave the details in God’s hands. And Jim is.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Despite all the comments to the contrary, Jim came strolling into Priesthood, and stayed for the remainder of meetings. Monte made a nice Sunday meal, and we talked around the table, but clear to see Jim was in increasing pain as time wore on.
We have noticed a remarkable improvement in Bobbies’s demeanor and attitude, with a clear-eyed approach to things. What a joy. We had a nice long chat with her tonight (at 9:00 p.m.!) and she was lovely, engaging and relaxed in herself. So wonderful to see her clear beautiful eyes again. And she’s looking forward to other things coming. The little girl seems to have taken a back seat to our Memom now. She has cut back on meds, per doctor’s orders, and perhaps is not using the elective painkillers as much.
One concern: one day Monte will need to take over all prescription medication issuance, including the painkillers, for Bobbie.
We live in one day at a time. We take joy in the existing and do not put expectations on for tomorrow. Whether or not Memom and Dedad make it to the sealing is anyone’s guess, but that’s a week away and we’ll experience that day when it arrives. If it were today, I’d say Bobbie was going and Jim wasn’t, thus one of us would also have to stay behind. But again, that is tomorrow. We revel in this day, and leave all else to our Father in Heaven, who brought us here.

Monday, September 24, 2007
- Cancelled Sears Credit card as of 4:30
- Great Ant Incursion. Back wall toward patio, interior, was besieged by ant queens attempting to fly away. Apparently nest in crawl space. Wintertime takes care of such things up here. Major evolution of spraying, traps, etc.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
- Bad day for Dedad. Apparently he’s off the Ritalin now, and he says his muscles are so stiff and sore now that he can barely stand. Don’t know whether it’s withdrawals from a little Ritalin pill, or whether he had a touch of the flu maybe, who’s to say?
- Today was Memom’s birthday, and we made a CD with music, celebrated with a little video and some cake, and some Swedish pancakes this a.m., but dedad is suffering through the whole thing. He sits with a grimace on his face, eyes closed, basically uncommunicative with a few exceptions. Big event: the Making of the Mush. Compared to last week, tough to comprehend.
- Memom came out this afternoon smashed again, barely able to stand and hold her balance, denied taking any extra pills. We will find the culprit in this.
- Difficult day

Thursday, September 27, 2007
- Dedad continues to decline physically. Maintains that the ailments are due to “withdrawal effects” from the Ritalin.
- Dedad had a massage treatment here, and felt grand after, and looked forward to the next treatment.
- Switched the beds again, this time we put Dedad’s old one back, as he thought the new one wasn’t running properly. Now Monte’s new bed is acting up, and they are coming tomorrow to replace that. And now the HP printer, the new one, won’t install. I’m going to cast out the thing that will not allow anything mechanically to work properly.
- Got rid of the monkeys! Ken is here to remove hot tub and is in negotiations with Memom over what is to be done. He’s still speaking with us.

Friday, September 28, 2007
- No change. So painful to sit up or get out of chair it makes tears in his eyes. We’re getting in touch with Dr. W. Hasn’t left the house in three day
- Ken continued the hot tub removal.
- 2:00 a.m. Dedad was exhibiting symptoms of chest tightness and breathing difficulty. After sitting with him for an hour or so, he calmed down, all is well
- The only thing different is the massage yesterday, and following both the acupuncture and the massage, his physical complaints increased sharply.

Sunday, Sept 30, 2007
- Dedad felt too badly for church, so Memom stayed home as well, dang it.

Monday, October 01, 2007
- Quite a day! Hailey’s birthday, and Sydney Lou Barney’s 0 birthday at 5:00 p.m. or so, this afternoon. All is well. Quite a start to our season. Dedad seems to be feeling better. Judson’s sealing coming up this weekend (Friday) but we don’t yet know if M or D will be attending.
- Ken R now painting the bedroom renewal, and Joe S. came to outline our redesign of cupboards, etc.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
-We’ve seen Dedad begin to come out of his medical setback, but Memom seems to be declining. We’ve watched her medications closely, with no extracurricular meds on board, and she still continues to decline, with shaking hand, etc. Nurotin (sp) was the villain before, but it’s gone. Getting to Judson’s sealing now in real danger, dang it.
- Bought my first suit in nearly 25 years.

Thursday, October 4, 2007
- Dedad adamant about not going tomorrow, ranting about air conditioning.

Friday, October 05, 2007
- Went to Judson’s sealing with Dedad and Memom, and had a wonderful day, with Dedad even offering remarks.

- We’ve seen Memom continue to rise in her health and attitude. She continues to doggedly exercise 90 minutes each morning and goes shopping daily with Monte and does not let up. She’s awake and alert, and experiencing some wakefulness at night, which might be partly due to coming off her industrial strength painkillers. Little things will now awaken her (furnace starting) but she’s awake and active all day, with little pain exhibited.
- A concern: Dedad noted that Memom is now off Oxycodone (sp) altogether, so he quickly removed the pills from Memom’s dispenser and took them to his room immediately. Still no clue as to what self-medication he indulges

Friday, October 23, 2007
- Monte and I flew to Seattle and attended Sydney Lou Barney’s blessing. Uncle Shawno and Aunt Carol were in attendance as well. We had a delightful time with the Crane family, and Monte and I returned to find all well. J.Dee did say that Dedad called him to complain that he did not feel at all well, but told us on the phone that he felt okay, better than normal. ??

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
- Ron the a/c guy sent the assistant to help us with the a/c problem. Folks not pleased. Have to wait until spring to see if it really works or not.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
- Several calls to Ron, left word with a female voice, no response, no appearance.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
- Several days of very good health for Dedad. Went shopping, etc., very positive. Today, however, he awoke and found he was very dizzy and unstable, dropped his cane and broke it. Felt nauseous several times, Monte called Dr. Waters and got some motion sickness pills (not Bonine.)

Saturday, November 17, 2007
- After being asked a few times if he wanted to join us in watching a sappy Christmas movie, Dedad finally announced to all three of us that all he was interested in now was the TV news because he doesn’t have to concentrate, that “None of you give a shit about these things, how the world works, its problems and how to solve them. You’re not interested in that.” These are his only interests. That’s the only thing he stated that interests him now. He stated he used to enjoy other things, but now this is the way it is. “The world is pretty shitty and that’s the way I see it now.” He stated he used to read one or two novels per day (verified) also, but has lost interest in that as well. He made comments about becoming a hermit in his own room, “but that’s the way it is.”
- These statements were made to all three of us, and Memom exhibited real distress and loss over such statements coming from Dedad. Dedad stated them almost in a warning tone, to not bother him again over “trivial” things such as a shared movie, ordering a pizza. Going out to see a movie is most certainly out of the question.
- It would seem to us that his only interests now, aside from expressing in obscene language and exhibiting rage over his frustration concerning repairmen and such arrangements, are to watch news, maybe take in a BYU football game on Saturday, and to watch TV news (which is on about 18 hours per day, same TV news channel, Fox News.) Today, he publicly told us, seemingly anyway, to stop including him in other interests. As we think about it, he just told his wife, daughter and son-in-law to leave him alone.
- We are all saddened and left scratching our heads over such statements. Our Dedad is closing off his life to us. Today was a dark step into an area none of us wish to consider concerning our Dedad.
- Later this evening, Dedad mentioned to Monte to not pay too much attention, “I’m seized with depression. That’s why I’m going to take shock treatments.”

Monday, November 19, 2007


I hope this will be the first of many updates on life while caring for our "advanced" elderly people. This should be a continuing saga, so please feel free to join in, comment, etc.

I'll try to start with the history I've already done, then begin to add as we go. Visit here any time. We love you all.